Can Henry Rollins Surf?

July 30, 2005 Worlds collided at CBGB's gallery, in a spectacular "Against the Grain"art show sponsored by Hurley makers of fine twin fin surfboards and other sublime water vessels. All roads lead back to the Ramones, and NYC's dogtown surf city, Rockaway Beach; Ramones art director & merch master Arturo Vega procured a display mixing America's great shaping wizards (guys who craft boards) and early 1980's punk artists. Ramones tour manager/author Monte A. Melnick, Miss Deborah, & me hangin' ten amidst 10000 surfinbrrrds, two outlaw subcultures gone mainstream collaborated to raise money for VH1's "Save the Music." The boards will be auctioned off, and the kids will have another reason to live. Photos: Ramones logo, uncle Henry and the twirling wave thrashers on display. Also, Joe McEvoy from Hurley, me and the amazing Arturo Vega.
